Research Focus

In-Vehicle and Embedded Networks
FlexRay, CAN, CAN-FD networks. Message schedule design, gateway unit design and implementation.  Integrated, heterogenous communication architectures for ITS.
Vehicle Connectivity
End-to-end networking for vehicles in the scope of Intelligent Transportation Systems using V2V and V2I communication.
Autonomous Vehicles
Longitudinal and lateral control methods for cooperative and coordinated autonomous driving.


Prof. Dr. Ece Guran Schmidt

2004: Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Thesis Title: “Scheduling and Switching Architecture for Virtual Synchronous Frame (VSF)”
2001: M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Thesis Title: “A Novel Scalable Packet Switch Architecture with Quality of Service Support"
1997: B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1993: High School Diploma: Ankara Atatürk Anadolu Lisesi (AAAL), 7-year program.

Personal Web Page 

Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt

2005: Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic and Communication Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
Thesis Title: “Hierarchical Control of Decentralized Discrete Event Systems - Theory and Application”
2002: Diploma in Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,Germany.
Thesis Title: “Synthesis of State Feedback for linear discrete Systems over GF(2) by means of the Polynomial Matrix Method"
1996: Abitur: Schillergymnasium Hof.

Personal Web Page 

Google Scholar


In-Vehicle and Embedded Networks

In Progress:

  1. CANDS: A Novel Framework for the Deterministic, Real-Time, Reliable and Cost-Efficient In-Vehicle Communication of Automotive Cyber Physical Systems, TÜBITAK 1001 Project Summary


  1. Industrial Project conducted with Odelo  : “Software and Hardware Development for the Software Test of Vehicle Tail Lights”, researcher,  Project end date: 2019.
  2. Industrial Project conducted with ROKETSAN  (SAYP): “MOKA (Model Kullanım Altyapısı)-Model-based Embedded Software Development”, researcher,  Project end date: 2018.
  3. METU Research Project: “Araç içi Haberleşme için CAN-FD Kontrolcusu (METU-CAN): FPGA Geliştirimi, Gerçekleştirimi ve Testleri – A CAN-FD Controller (METU-CAN) for In-vehicle Communication:   FPGA Development, Implementation and Evaluation”, principal investigator, Project end date: December 2017.
  4. Industrial Project conducted with TOFAS and Cankaya University (supported by TUBITAK): “Otomotiv Haberleşme Ağları için Algoritmik Çizelgelendirme Yapabilen Tasarım Yazılımı Geliştirme (AUTONET)-AUTONET: A software design tool for algorithmic scheduling of automotive networks”, principal invesigator, Project end date: April 2015.
  5. TUBITAK Carrier Award Project: “Ethernet üzerinde dinamik, dağıtılmış ve güvenilir endüstriyel haberleşme protokolları: Genel tasarım işçerçevesi, gerçekleştirim ve deneysel çalışma-Dynamic, distributed and dependable real-time industrial communication protocols over Ethernet: General design framework, implementation and experimental study”, principal invesigator, Project end date: March 2013. A video of the experiments can be seen at this link.
  6. Industrial Project conducted with TOFAS: “Diagnoser Interface Development for Electric Vehicle”, principal invesigator, Project end date: September 2011.
  7. METU Research Project: “Endüstriyel ağ uygulamaları için paylaşımlı ortamda haberleşme protokolu geliştirilmesi-Development of a communication protocol in shared medium for industrial networking applications ”, principal invesigator, Project end date: May 2010.
  8. Industrial Projectconducted with TOFAS: “Otomatik park etme ve drive-by-wire uygulamaları için TOFAŞ araçlarında drive-by-wire haberleşme alt yapısının FlexRay veriyolu üzerinden kurulması-Establishing the drive-by-wire communication infrastructure over FlexRay Bus in TOFAS vehicles for automatic parking and drive-by-wire applications”, principal invesigator, Project end date: March 2010. A video of the experiments can be seen at this link.
  9. METU Research Project: “FlexRay Araç içi haberleşme sistemleri için yüksek başarimli zaman çizelgeleyicisi tasarımı ve gerçekleştirimi-Design and implementation of high performance schedules for FlexRay in-vehicle communication networks ”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2008.
  10. METU Research Project: “Yüksek hızlı araç içi haberleşme sistemleri için yüksek başarımlı zaman çizelgeleyicisi gerçekleştirimi-Implementation of high-performance schedules for high-speed in-vehicle communication networks”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2007.

Vehicle Connectivity


  1. Industrial Project conducted with TURK TRAKTOR: “Connected Tractor”: Yeni Nesil Traktörler içinAraç-içi ve Araç-X (V2X) Haberleşme Mimarisi Geliştirilmesi Ar-Ge Projesi-
    Connected Tractor”: Development of in-vehicle and V2X network architecture for next generetaion tractors", principal invesigator,  Project end date: June 2017.
  2. METU Research Project: “Akıllı  Ulaşım Sistemleri (AUS) için gerçek zamanlı bir haberleşme mimarisi – A real time communication architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems  (ITS)”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2016. Official completion: February 2017.
  3. Industrial Project conducted with TURK TRAKTOR: “Yeni Nesil Traktörlerde Uygulanabilecek Gövde Kontrol Sistemi Modülü Geliştirilmesi AR-GE Projesi-
    Development of a Body Control Module that can be implemented for next generation tractors”, principal invesigator,  Project end date: August 2016.
  4. Industrial Project conducted with TURKCELL  (supported by TUBITAK): “CarCoDe:Araçlar için Akıllı İçerik İletim Platformu-CarCoDePlatform for Smart Car to Car Content Delivery”, principal invesigator,  Project end date: April 2015. Web Page        Project Leaflet
  5. Industrial Project conducted with TOFAS and Cankaya University (supported by TUBITAK): “Otomotiv Haberleşme Ağları için Algoritmik Çizelgelendirme Yapabilen Tasarım Yazılımı Geliştirme (AUTONET)-AUTONET: A software design tool for algorithmic scheduling of automotive networks”, principal invesigator, Project end date: April 2015.

Autonomous Vehicles

In Progress:

  1. Industrial Project conducted with HIDROMEK  : “Electronic Control System Design, Realization and Validation for Advanced Construction Vehicles”, researcher,  Project end date: 2020.


  1. An Intelligent Transportation Systems Framework for Traffic Safety and Traffic Efficiency: Coordinated Longitudinal and Lateral Maneuvers of Heterogeneous Autonomous Vehicles on Multi-lane Highways, TÜBITAK 1001
  2. METU Research Project: Lane Detection and Lane Keeping Control: Algorithm Development, Prototype Implementation and Evaluation.


In-Vehicle and Embedded Networks

International Journal:

  1. Y. B. Kartal, E. G. Schmidt, and Klaus Werner Schmidt “Modeling Distributed Real-time Systems in TIOA and UPPAAL", vol 16, no. 1  ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2016.
  2. K. W. Schmidt, B. Alkan, E. G. Schmidt, D. C. Karani, U. Karakaya, “Controller Area Network (CAN) With Priority Queues and FIFO Queues: Improved Schedulability Analysis and Message Set Extension," International Journal of Vehicle Design,  vol. 71, no. 1/2/3/4, 2016.
  3. K. W. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Distributed Real-time Protocols for Industrial Control Systems: Framework and Examples,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 23, no.10, pp. 1856-1866, 2012.
  4. S. Senol, K. Leblebicioglu and E. G. Schmidt, “ INtERCEDE: An Algorithmic Approach to Networked Control System Design,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, no.4, pp. 1326-1341, 2011.
  5. K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Message Scheduling for the FlexRay Protocol: The Static Segment, “IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no.5, pp. 2170-2179, 2009. (PDF)
  6. E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Message Scheduling for the FlexRay Protocol: The Dynamic Segment, “IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no.5, pp. 2160-2169, 2009. (PDF)
  7. K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Systematic Message Schedule Construction for Time-Triggered CAN, “IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.56, no.6, pp.3431-3441,  2007. (PDF)

International Conference:

  1. Guldiken, C, Schmidt, K.W., Schmidt, E. G., Optimal Telegram Scheduling For The Periodic Phase Of MVB, International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Transformation & Smart Systems, Ankara, Turkey, 2019.
  2. Akpinar, M., Schmidt, K.W. and Schmidt, E.G., 2019, July. Improved Clock Synchronization Algorithms for the Controller Area Network (CAN). In 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  3. A. Batur,  E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “Offset Computation of Response Time Distributions for Messages on the Controller Area Network,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2018.
  4. M. E. Afşin, K.W. Schmidt, E.G. Schmidt, “C3: Configurable CAN FD Controller: Architecture, Design and Hardware Implementation,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2017.
  5. A. Batur,  E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “Offset Assignment on Controller Area Network: Improved Algorithms and Computational Evaluation,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2017.
  6. K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, "A Longest-Path Problem for Evaluating the Worst Case Packet Delay of Switched Ethernet," IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2010.
  7. E. G. Schmidt, M. Alkan, K. Schmidt, E. Yuruklu, and U. Karakaya, "Performance Evaluation of FlexRay/CAN Networks Interconnected by a Gateway," IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2010.
  8. E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, "Schedulability Analysis and Message Schedule Computation for the Dynamic Segment of FlexRay," IEEE VTC Fall 2010
  9. K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, "Optimal Message Scheduling for the Static Segment of FlexRay," IEEE VTC Fall 2010.
  10. K. Schmidt, E. G. Schmidt, A. Demirci, E. Yuruklu , and U. Karakaya, “An Experimental Study of the FlexRay Dynamic Segment,” IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, IFAC AAC2010.
  11. K. Schmidt, E. G. Schmidt and J. Zaddach, "A shared-medium communication architecture for distributed discrete event systems," Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2007.

Recent SIU Conferences:

  1. Murat Akpinar, Schmidt, E.G. and Schmidt, K.W., 2020, April. Evaluation of Clock Synchronization Algorithms for Controller Area Network. In 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (accepted). IEEE.
  2. Mustafa Caglar Guldiken, Schmidt, E.G. and Schmidt, K.W., 2020, April. Heuristic Algorithms for the Telegram Scheduling on MVB. In 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (accepted). IEEE.
  3. A. Batur,  E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “CAN Mesajları için Tepki Zamanı Dağılımlarının Elde Edilmesi-Evaluation of Response Time Distributions for
    Controller Area Network Messages,” IEEE 26. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2018.
  4. C. Çakmak,  E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, Hızlı ve Optimal Bir FlexRay v3.0 Statik Bölüt Çizelgelemesi Yöntemi - A Fast and Optimal Method for Scheduling the Static Segment of FlexRay v3.0,” IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017.
  5. M. E. Afşin, K.W. Schmidt, E.G. Schmidt, “Ayarlanabilir Bir CAN FD Kontrolcusu: Mimari ve Gerçekleştirim-A Configurable CAN FD Controller: Architecture and Implementation,” IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017.
  6. A. Batur,  E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “CAN Ağları Ofset Çizelgelemesi İçin İyileştirilmiş Yük Dağılımı - Improved Load Distribution for Controller Area Network,”IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017

National Conference (In Turkish):

  1. U. Karakaya, D. Ç. Karani, B. Alkan, E. G. Schmidt, and K. W. Schmidt, “AUTONET – An Automatic Scheduling Tool for In-Vehicle Networks,” Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi, OTEKON 2014.
  2. B. Alkan, E. G. Schmidt, and K. W. Schmidt, “Karayollarında Akıllı Ulaşım İçin Araç-içi Haberleşme Ağları,” 1. Karayolu Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri Kongre ve Sergisi, 2014.
  3. A. K. Gözcü, U. Turan, E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Dinamik Dağitik Gerçek Zamanli Endüstriyel İletişim Protokolu (D2GEP) Gerçekleştirimi-The implementation of Dynamic Distributed Real time Industrial communication Protocol (D2RIP) ,” IEEE 20. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2012.
  4. Y. B. Kartal, E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Paylaşımlı Ethernet Üzerinde Çalışan Özgün Bir Gerçek-zamanlı Haberleşme Protokolü İşçerçevesinin Doğrulanması-The verification of a novel framework for real-time shared medium communication network protocols ,” IEEE 20. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2012.
  5. A. Demirci, E. G. Schmidt, E. Yuruklu, and U. Karakaya, “Flexray Araçiçi Haberleşme Ağlarının Deneysel Başarım Değerlendirmesi – Experimental Evaluation of FlexRay InVehicle Communication Networks,” Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi, OTEKON 2010.
  6. E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “FlexRay Protokolu statik bölütü için mesaj çizelgelenmesi-Message Scheduling for the Static Segment of the FlexRay Protocol,” IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.
  7. E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Dağıtık Ayrık Olaylı Denetleyiciler için Paylaşımlı Ortamda Haberleşme - Shared Medium Communication for Distributed Discrete Event Control,” IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.
  8. S. Şenol, K. Leblebicioğlu, E. G. Schmidt, “Zaman Dilimli İletişim Protokolleriyle Haberleşen Ağ Tabanlı Kontrol Sistemleri İçin Mesaj Zamanlama Algoritmaları - Message Scheduling Algorithms For Networked Control Systems With Time Slotted Communication Protocols,” IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.  
  9. S. Şenol, K. Leblebicioğlu, E. G. Schmidt, “Ağ tabanlı kontrol sistemi için Flexray benzetimi geliştirilmesi-Flexray simulator development for networked control system,” IEEE 15. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2007.


Vehicle Connectivity


  1. E.G. Schmidt, "Vehicle Connectivity in Intelligent Transport Systems: Today and Future,” International Automotive Engineerig Conference, IAEC 2017.
  2. K.W. Schmidt, "Regulations and Testing for Intelligent Vehicles ” International Automotive Engineerig Conference, IAEC 2018.

Recent SIU Conferences:

  1. Ç. Bağcı, E.G. Schmidt, Akıllı Ulaşım Uygulamaları İçin Bir Haberleşme Mimarisi - A Communication Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Applications,” IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017.

Autonomous Vehicles
International Journal:

  1. Al-Jhayyish, A. M. H., Schmidt, K.W: Feedforward Strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Special Issue on "Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving", vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 113-122, 2018.
  2. Saglam, H.B., Schmidt, K.W: Outputs bounds for linear systems with repeated input signals: existence, computation and application to vehicle platooning, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, vol. 26, pp. 283-293, 2018.


  1. Hilal Bingol and Schmidt, K.W., 2020, April. Trajectory Generation for Vehicle Platoons with Input and State Constraints. In 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (accepted). IEEE.
  2. Yasin Yeniaydin and Schmidt, K.W., 2020, April. Lane Detection based on Best Pairs of Lane Markings: Method and Evaluation. In 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (accepted). IEEE.
  3. Yeniaydin, Y., Schmidt, K.W., Comparison of 2D LIDAR Data Segmentation Methods Based on Synthetic Data Generation, International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Transformation & Smart Systems, Ankara, Turkey, 2019.
  4. Al-Dahhan, M. R. H., Schmidt, K.W., Path Planning Based on Voronoi Diagram and PRM for Omnidirectinal Mobile Robots, International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Transformation & Smart Systems, Ankara, Turkey, 2019.
  5. Yeniaydin, Y. and Schmidt, K.W., 2019, April. Sensor Fusion of a Camera and 2D LIDAR for Lane Detection. In 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  6. Yeniaydin, Y., Schmidt, K.W., “Robust Lane Recognition Based on Arc Splines,” International Conference & Exhibition on DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION & SMART SYSTEMS, (DTSS). 2018.
  7. Saracoglu, K., Ules, B., Schmidt, K.W., “A Lane Keeping System with a Weighted Preview Measurement,” IEEE 26. Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamalari Kurultayi (SIU), 2018.
  8. Yeniaydin, Y., Schmidt, K.W., “A Lane Detection Algorithm Based on Reliable Lane Markings,” IEEE 26. Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamalari Kurultayi (SIU), 2018.
  9. Schmidt, K.W.: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Vehicle Following During Lane Changes, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017.
  10. Atagoziyev, M., Schmidt, K.W., Schmidt, K.W.: Lane Change Scheduling for Autonomous Vehicles, 14th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Istanbul Turkey, 2016.
  11. Bingöl H., Cankaya E., Schmidt, K.W.: String Stable Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control under Actuator Saturation (in Turkish), National Conference of the Turkish National Committee of Automatic Control, Denizli, Turkey, 2015.
  12. Al-Jhayyish, A. M. H., Schmidt, K.W.: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Design for Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings, Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2015.
  13. Deaibil, I. B. A., Schmidt, K.W.: Performing Safe and Efficient Lane Changes in Dense Vehicle Traffic, Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2015.

National Journal:

  1. Al-Dahhan, M.R.H. and Schmidt, K.W., Safe and Efficient Path Planning for Omni-directional Robots using an Inflated Voronoi Boundary. Çankaya Üniversitesi Bilim ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 16(2), pp.46-69.
  2. Kahya, A.H.M.A. and Schmidt, K.W., 2017. Clothoid-based lane change trajectory computation for self-driving vehicles. Çankaya Üniversitesi Bilim ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 14(2).
  3. Schmidt, K.W: String Stable Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Under Actuator Saturation, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2016.

Supervised Theses

In-Vehicle and Embedded Networks

  1. Scheduling for the Periodic Phase of the Multifunction Vehicle Bus
    Mustafa Çağlar Güldiken, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: January 2020, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Ece Güran Schmidt 
  2. Clock Synchronization Algorithms on a Software-defined CAN Controller: Implementation and Evaluation
    Serkan Yalçın, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: January 2020, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Ece Güran Schmidt 
  3. C³: Configurable CAN FD Controller: Design, Implementation and Evaluation
    Mehmet Ertuğ Afşin, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: February 2018, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt Thesis overview
  4. Controller Area Network with Offset Scheduling: Improved Offset Assignment Algorithms And Computation Of Response Time Distributions 
    Ahmet Batur, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: February 2018, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt Thesis overview

  5. Efficient algorithms for the frame packing and slot allocation of FlexRay v3.0
    Cumhur Çakmak, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: February 2017, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt  Thesis overview

  6. Message Scheduling For The Static and Dynamic Segment of Flexray: Algorithms and Applications 
    Özgur Kızılay, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: December 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt  Thesis overview
  7. Controller Area Network (CAN) Response Time Analysis and Scheduling For Advanced Topics: Offsets, FIFO Queues and Gateways Thesis overview
    Burak Alkan, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: February 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt 
  8. A Frame Packing Method to Improve the Schedulability on CAN and CAN-FD Thesis overview
    Gökhan Urul, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: February 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt 
  9. RSAR: A Layered Software Architecture for Cyber-physical Systems
    Erhan Akagündüz, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: February 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Halit Oğuztüzün

  10. UNIBUS: A Universal Hardware Architecture For Serial Bus Interfaces With Real-Time Support Thesis overview
    Mehdi Duman, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: January 2015
  11. Dependability Design for Distributed Real-Time Systems with Broadcast Communication Thesis overview
    Yusuf Bora Kartal, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: June 2014
  12. An FPGA implementation of two-step trajectory planning for automatic parking Thesis overview
    Halil Ertuğrul, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt
  13. Implementation and evaluation of the dependability plane for the Dynamic Distributed Dependable Real Time Industrial Protocol (D3RIP) Thesis overview
    Ömer Berat Sezer, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt
  14. Implementation and evaluation of the Dynamic Distributed Real Time Industrial Protocol (D2RIP) Thesis overview
    Adem Kaya, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt
  15. The development and hardware implementation of a dynamically reconfigurable and area optimized Cyclic Redundancy Check architecture Thesis overview
    Özcan Yurt, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: August 2013
  16. Software tool development for the automated configuration of FlexRay networks for in-vehicle communication Thesis overview
    Can Öztürk, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: January 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt
  17. A software tool for vehicle calibration, diagnosis and test via controller area network Thesis overview
    Utku Civelek, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: September 2012
  18. QoC and QoS bargaining for message scheduling in networked control systems
    Sinan Şenol, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: June 2012, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Kemal Leblebicioğlu
  19. Development of strategies for reducing the worst-case message response times on the controller area network
    Vakkas Çelik, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: January 2012, Co-advised with Assistant Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt
  20. Simulation and performance evaluation of a distributed real-time communication protocol for industrial embedded systems
    Güray Aybar, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: December 2011
  21. Implementation and evaluation of a eynchronous time-slotted medium access protocol for networked industrial embedded systems
    Ahmet Korhan Gözcü, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: September 2011
  22. Implementing and evaluating the Coordination Layer and time-synchronization of a new protocol for industrial communication networks
    Ulaş Turan, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: September 2011
  23. Ethernet based real time communications for embedded systems
    Ozan Yılmaz, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: May 2010
  24. Inter-connected FlexRay and CAN Networks for ın-vehicle communication: Gateway implementation and end-to-end performance study
    Melih Alkan, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: May 2010
  25. Performance evaluation of FlexRay networks for in-vehicle communication
    Ali Demirci, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: November 2009
  26. Time-triggered controller area network (TTCAN) communication scheduling: a systematic approach
    Uğur Keskin, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: August 2008
  27. Testing distributed real-time systems with a distributed test approach
    Gökhan Öztaş, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: May 2008

Vehicle Connectivity

  1. An End-To-End Communication Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Design, Implementation and Latency Analysis
    Çağatay Bağcı, M.S. Thesis, Defense date:  February 2018 Thesis overview
  2. A Generic and Extendable System Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems Thesis overview 
    Kaan Çetinkaya, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: January 2015

Autonomous Vehicles

  1. Trajectory Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Omnidirectional Robots
    Mohammed Rabeea Hashim Al-Dahhan, PhD Thesis, Defense date:  February 2020
  2. Sensor Fusion of a Camera and 2D LIDAR for Lane Detection and Tracking
    Yasin Yeniaydın, M.S. Thesis, Defense date:  August 2019
  3. Analysis of Lane Changes for Vehicle Strings on Highways: String Stability, Driving Safety and Comfort
    Harun Buğra Sağlam, PhD Thesis, Defense date:  September 2017
  4. Optimal Control Problems for Safe and Efficient Lane Changes of Self-Driving Vehicles
    Ardam H.M. Ali, PhD Thesis, Defense date:  September 2017.
  5. String Stability Analysis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) With Actuator Saturation
    Hilal Bingöl, M.S. Thesis, Defense date:  May 2017
  6. Trajectory Generation for Open/Close Gap Maneuvers in Vehicle Strings
    Erkam Çankaya, M.S. Thesis, Defense date:  May 2017
  7. Design and Evaluation of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) for the Improvement of Highway Traffic Flow
    Ahmed M.H. Al-Jhayyish, M.S. Thesis, Defense date:  January 2016
  8. Platooning of Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems
    Inas Deaibil, M.S. Thesis, Defense date:  May 2015